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Web of Success

Go Golf Academy breaks down golfer development into six areas to optimize results and create long-term success.



Basic GOlf Instruction

Basic instruction is all about mastering the set each skill. Whether driving, full swing, short game, or putting each skill has a proper grip, body position and ball position for each student to maximize their success. There is not one way to perform but multiple ways. Our PGA Professionals will work with each student to achieve the most efficient positions. A consistent set up provides a pathway for consistent results and a foundation to build into advanced instruction.


advanced Golf Instruction

Advanced instruction uses basic instruction to create shot making skills.  These are developed through the use of modern technology such as Trackman and 3D motion sensors.  The technology helps to provide data to validate training theories.  Advanced instruction takes the player to the next level to perform on the course.


Golf Equipment

Equipment is the one area of golfer development that has evolved the most. There is no standard in golf manufacturing thus every golfer should have custom fit clubs to perform their best.  Go Golf Academy offers free club fitting with the latest resources in the industries.




Golf Physical COndition

 Go Golf Academy offers TPI certified professionals who will help students maximize efficient with their body. 

"TPI believes golfers will benefit from a healthy and efficient body."

"TPI does not believe in one way to swing, rather in an infinite number of swing styles. But we do believe there is one efficient way for every player to swing and it is based on what the player can physically do. "


Course Management

Course management involves navigating the course terrain and selecting the correct club to achieve the desired result. Course management sets golfers apart from those with similar skills.  Go Golf Academy uses Trackman 4 Virtual Golf simulators to educate and train proper on course decisions. Now you can practice on world class golf courses!



Mental Strategies

Golf is more than a physical sport but rather a game that requires strategies to be successful,  Mental strategies are internal processes unique to the individual. Discovering and developing strategies will improve performance on and off the golf course. 


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